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Ultra-processed foods are the top concern among US consumers, study reveals

2024-05-13 Ingredients Network



The latest insights from HealthFocus’ Global Trends 2024 survey reveal that ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are the leading worry among food and beverage consumers in the US.

In March 2024, the Wall Street Journal highlighted new research linking UPFs to adverse effects on brain function and mood, claiming these popular foods, which include chips, cookies, and some cereals, can act like addictive substances.

Growing unease and in-depth enquiries

“While manufacturers believe many of their highly processed foods can be both convenient and healthy, consumers are worried about them,” HealthFocus says.

Consumer attitudes company HealthFocus conducts its Global Trend Study every two years, covering more than 20 countries. Its latest soon-to-be-published 2024 iteration features 25 markets worldwide. “New in this wave is this question about concern for UPFs, which has gained attention recently, as well as more in-depth inquiries around snacks and beverages,” Julie Johnson, president at HealthFocus International, told Ingredients Network.

HealthFocus is currently riding the 2024 consumer trends wave, collecting responses, and analysing them to understand their key findings. “Millions of responses have made their way to us over the past weeks, and a few million more are on their way in,” says Johnson.

Back in 2022, the seeds of discontent with UPFs were already being sown when HealthFocus’ Global Trends survey identified ‘A New World of Snacking’ as a leading trend. The definition of snacks and the rules around snacking were shifting. ‘Snacks’ were no longer viewed as junk food but as part of consumers’ everyday, healthy eating habits. In the survey, over half (52%) of global consumers said they believed eating several healthy snacks was as good as or better than three meals a day.

When asked what the leading purchase drivers for snacks were, three out of the top five answers referenced health. Snacks with healthier ingredients such as fibre and vegetables, those that confer a health benefit, and those with fewer perceived negatives such as fat, calories, and sugar resonated with consumers.

Clean eating was also prominent, with natural snacks and those fortified or enriched with vitamins and minerals making up the remainder of the top five attributes consumers want when buying snacks. HealthFocus Global Trends survey found that the healthier-for-you snacking trend was led by a mindset popular with younger consumers and parents with children living at home.

Examining UPFs

For decades, “processed” has had a negative connotation. “Yet, consumers are becoming savvier about differentiating variations in—or the extent of—what ‘processed’ means,” says Johnson.

HealthFocus’ research shows that 55% of US consumers think processed foods can be made healthier. They recognise that while a three-ingredient cracker and can of precooked beans are ‘processed’ they may still fit into a healthy lifestyle, Johnson says. Thus, indicating consumers’ evolving UPF understanding.

“In addition, manufacturers have responded to consumer interest in healthful ingredients, adding desirable or attractive ingredients to their processed offerings,” says Johnson. Formulation updates invite consumers to continue to look for better-for-you options.

once food shoppers see a major brand adding beneficial nutrients or eliminating ingredients deemed problematic, they start to consider these adjustments when looking at other options available on the market.

“What we’re seeing with the term ‘UPF’ is a shift,” Johnson says. “Now, the term ‘UPF’ relays a more nuanced, divergent category that doesn’t include these healthier but still processed products.”

“So, in reality, the concern may be at the same level but is now channelled toward fewer individual processed foods, namely those that consumers don’t accept as a regular part of an overall healthy diet,” Johnson says.

The future for processed food manufacturers

While staple favourites in the processed food space will surely remain popular with consumers due to taste, tradition, and nostalgia, new products might have to work harder. “Or maybe they already are,” says Johnson.

According to new HealthFocus responses, 57% of US consumers say their diet has improved over the last year, as they report eating healthier than they used to. “Results may be due to consumers changing their choices on a broad scale to healthier options,” Johnson says.

“It could also be as simple as a diet that includes products that have eliminated undesirable ingredients or added “better” ingredients, such as whole grains, organic, and added vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants,” Johnson adds.

Shaping consumer attitudes in the UPF scene

While HealthFocus acknowledges that junk food has always had its role, it relays how, previously, consumers overlooked the negatives because these foods were a small part of their diet.

“Now, the lines between snacks and meals have blurred, and UPF is a standard in the average American’s diet, prompting consumers to approach processed foods and beverages with more scrutiny,” Johnson says.

The food sector has seen “innumerable examples of manufacturers adding desirable ingredients”, Johnson says, of whole grains, adaptogens, and antioxidants to their processed foods. The aim is to help consumers feel better about these options.

“We’re anticipating manufacturers will continue to respond to consumer interest by including better ingredients in the products consumers rely on for their convenience,” adds Johnson.


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