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Improving Adoption, Nutrition, and Accessibility Will Help Alternative Proteins Thrive: ADM

2023-07-12 Food Industry Executive

Tag: trends


Four factors are driving opportunities in the alternative protein space, according tonclick=", _blank, noopener); return false;"> new insights from ADM

Consumer readiness to try different proteins and recent advancements in technology make this an ideal time to introduce the next generation of alternatives. Plant-based, cultivated, and fermentation-derived protein hybrids will be key in making new products more accessible and affordable. 

But increasing consumer adoption of alternatives will require products that meet high expectations for taste, texture, and nutrition. While hybrids can support this effort by helping to make new protein options feel familiar, getting consumers to accept cultivated and fermented options will rely on effectively communicating the safety, environmental benefits, and nutritional value of such products.

When it comes to improving nutrition, consumers are looking for alternative protein products that offer specific health benefits, such as more protein and digestive support. Nearly half (43%) believe it’s better for their health to eat more plant-based proteins and incorporate a wide variety of protein sources into their diet. Manufacturers can meet these demands by exploring microbiome-supporting solutions, adding fiber, and leaning on specific, nutrient-dense plant-based proteins.

Still, innovative alternative proteins won’t go mainstream without tailored accessibility solutions. Manufacturers will have to meet consumers wher they are geographically and financially, looking toward locally sourced options and regional capabilities to shorten the supply chain and diversifying resources to minimize environmental impact. 


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